はこだて国際民俗芸術祭組織委員会 WMDF.org Committee of World Music and Dance Festival


WMDF 2009

World Music and Dance Festival Grows in 2009
WMDF2009 featured over 200 performers from ten countries. Events focussed on the outdoor free stage in Motomachi Park, also including Fringe performances, a grand finale at the Citizens Hall, and a daytime Sunday picnic stage at the Hakodate 150-year anniversary celebrations. Join us again in 2010 to experience more live music, hands-on workshops, and world parties: Aug 5-11, 2010.
WMDF nonprofit GIA formed

As one step towards achieving our long-term vision for WMDF, we are pleased to announce the formation of the public interest corporation, "WMDF General Incorprated Association" (WMDF GIA). The GIA is a relatively new form of nonprofit organisation in Japan (see http://www.koekihojin.com/en/comparison.html)We hope that this GIA status will allow us to continue to build towards the future that we plan for WMDF. For instance, the GIA will allow us to start the process of creating a substantial WMDF office by directly employing full-time or part-time staff. ...

Mar 02, 2010 11:06 more
WMDF visits WOMAdelaide

We are working to make a long future for WMDF. To give our event, and especially our volunteers, as wide perspective as possible, we are sending twelve staff to WOMADelaide in Australia. This year's WOMADelaide marks fifty years of the Adelaide Festival, and features more than 500 artists from 27 countries.  See http://www.womadelaide.com.au/In 2008, two WMDF committee members visited WOMADelaide (pictured), but this year's visit will be the first time that we have sent significant numbers of staff abroad. We are sure that we will...

Mar 02, 2010 21:12 more
Groups Line Up for 2010

WMDF is happy to announce the countries of the officially invited groups for WMDF number 003. Many thanks to all the people who have showed their interest in our Festival this year. We wish a happy new year to all: we are looking forward to exciting collaborations in 2010 and beyond. ...

Dec 29, 2009 17:38 more
Photo Gallery 2009

Many thanks to Hideyuki Emoto for these pictures of this year's WMDF. We hope that they bring happy memories for those that were there, and encourage those that missed it to come and look for themselves in the future. Photos, by Hideyuki EMOTO (Glaretone)...

Dec 30, 2009 23:45 more
Artists Returning Home Safely

We have started to hear that groups are arriving safely home in their countries. Tears were shed at Hakodate Airport, but we will meet again soon in the Long Now. WMDF sincerely appreciates its new friends around the world, and is especially proud to have increased the numbers of people who have travelled all the way to Japan to visit just one place: Hakodate. Until the next times, and places.(Photo credit: Noriko Ono)...

Aug 26, 2009 10:30 more

Hugo Fattoruso & Tomohiro Yahiro

hugo001.jpg Uruguay & Japan

Hugo Fattoruso is one of South America's leading pianists, and a champion of candombe, Uruguay's African-flavored music.  Tomohiro Yahiro spent his boyhood in the Canary Islands, where he began to play drums with local rock bands.  Please enjoy this "genius x prodigy" combination of beautiful and intense piano touch with rhythms beyond the imagination. 

2009 Lineup
(2008 Performers)

WMDF.org Committee of World Music and Dance Festival バナー168

The World Music and Dance Festival (Hakodate Kokusai Minzoku Geijutsu-Sai) is organised by the Committee of the World Music and Dance Festival, and produced by Hitococochi Inc.

■Contact:52-1 Jinkawa-cho, Hakodate-shi, Hokkaido 041-0833 JAPAN TEL.+81-138-51-5727 FAX.+81-138-51-6465

Volunteer Staff

WMDF is always looking for volunteers to help with the running of Festival. It's fun. Why not join in?

More information...


Aug 12, 2009 08:16more
WMDF 2009 Official Guide

Jul 25, 2009 16:11more
Important Information for WMDF-goers

Jul 27, 2009 06:49more
WMDF Video

Jul 26, 2009 10:18more
Sponsor Pass

Staff Blog

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