はこだて国際民俗芸術祭組織委員会 WMDF.org Committee of World Music and Dance Festival


Lo Cèu De Pau


Since their formation in 1934, Lo Ceu de Pau have spread their local culture and folk music around the world. They perform with a variety of instruments, including a 3-hole flute native to Gascony, diatonic accordion, violin, guitar, and drums.

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WMDF is always looking for volunteers to help with the running of Festival. It's fun. Why not join in?



Aug 12, 2009 08:16more
WMDF 2009 Official Guide

Jul 25, 2009 16:11more
Important Information for WMDF-goers

Jul 27, 2009 06:49more
WMDF Video

Jul 26, 2009 10:18more
Sponsor Pass

Staff Blog

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